Try Incorporating Some Of These Ornamental Grasses Into Your Vegas Desert Landscape Design
Having a yard that blends in with it’s surrounding can make it a more relaxing place to be in. When you are creating your Vegas desert landscape design consider incorporating ornamental grasses in your yard. This can give it more “wild” desert feel. There are quite a few varieties that you can choose from that will showcase all of the colors and textures of the Las Vegas desert!
A Desert Spoon Will Bring The Las Vegas Landscape To Your Backyard
A complete contrast from purple fountain grasses, the desert spoon appears to be a spiky green ball of plant. It grows outward like a yucca plant, and is a desert native. Those things contribute to it being a popular addition to many desert landscape designs. The most common mistake that people make when planting desert spoons is underestimating it’s full size. Make sure that you give it proper room to grow! Once it starts growing, it requires very little maintenance!
Small And Colorful Maiden Grass
If you have been searching for a colorful grass to add some excitement to your landscape, maiden grass might be for you. This grass grows in clumps, and appears to be burgundy colored. These grasses love to spread so they will require more maintenance then plum grasses. Luckily, they tend to grow in smaller clumps and come in many varieties to fit your wants.
Use Plume Grass To Make A Statement
Plume grasses are perfect for xeriscape designs, which makes them great canidates for your Vegas desert landscape design. These grasses grow in a clump that usually spreads to five feet. This ornamental plant can grow over 10 feet tall, and produces flowers. If you choose to plant these you will have to make space for them. However, apart from some clipping here and there; they will not require much maintenance. Plume grasses provide great shade and can make a seamless addition to your desert landscape design.
Purple Fountain Will Spice Up Your Vegas Desert Landscape Design
Purple fountain grass is a very popular ornamental variety to use in desert landscape designs. The entire plant appears purple or maroon, and can grow pretty tall. The leaves appear feathery, which gives this plant a softer look. Allowing it to blend in more naturally to a Vegas desert landscape design than others. Purple fountain grass grows easily, and requires little maintenance.