Four Things For You To Think About While Creating Your Dream Las Vegas Desert Landscape Design
Before you start getting your hands dirty creating your dream Las Vegas desert landscape design, take the time to consider these four things. You might just save yourself from having to live through a landscaping nightmare.
A Garden Is A Commitment
You need to prepared for the maintenance that comes with your landscape design. Plants require proper water, fertilization, and other care. When you are choosing what plants to put in your garden you need to make sure that you are ready to take care of them. Otherwise you’ll end up just wasting money on plants that will not survive.
Especially while living in Las Vegas, it is important to pay attention to how much water a plant will need before making a decision. It is no secret that here in Vegas we experience very little rainfall. To cope with this the city has put in place water restrictions. If you are not going to be able to provide a plant with adequate water, you should think twice before you take it home.
Keeping Your Yard Functional
Landscape design time seems like the perfect opportunity to let your creative side out. While it is great to have a little fun with your yard, make sure that you don’t go too crazy. Adding in too many large bushes or flower patches might make some of your backyard inaccessible. What is the point of creating a luxurious Las Vegas desert landscape design if you can’t enjoy it ?Households with pools, pets, and/or children should be extra aware of this. Make sure the new additions to your yard are not, and won’t grow into, a nuisance.
Are There Any Safety Concerns?
Safety concerns that might come with your yard would be pests, plants that can cause damage to the foundation, or pollutants in the soil. It might be wise to invest in a home inspection before starting on your Las Vegas desert landscape design. A home inspector should be able to tell you the distance that you must plant away from your home, reveal any signs of exterior water damage, sloping issues, and many more things. Having your soil tested before you start planting is important in any scenario, and will reveal if there are any heavy metals in your soil. Making sure that your yard is safe before moving forward is very important.
Know What Look You Want
Before you actually do anything, you need to have a plan. Not only do you need to consider your personal tastes, but also the appearance of the natural environment. A yard that has a similar look to the landscape around it will probably be easier to maintain and blend in more seamlessly. Make sure that you do your research and find out all of the options for Las Vegas desert landscape design out there for you.